Housekeeping schedule: Dailies & Weeklies

15 thoughts on “Housekeeping schedule: Dailies & Weeklies”

  1. Yowza. I feel tired reading this post 😉 have you checked out the FLYLady website? She’s been a huge help to me in staying on top of things with non-judging, gentle reminders and great organizational suggestions …


    1. Ha! It is pretty intimidating, isn’t it? I guess that’s why I’ve just been superficial about cleaning all these years. It’s so much. But I learned this summer that when I stay on top of things on a weekly basis, it goes much faster with each cleaning – quick wiping instead of heavy scrubbing – and you get the bonus of a sparkly, pleasant house. And thanks for the FLYLady tip – I just checked her out, and I love her!


  2. Wow! You really are a planner! I have been trying to improve my housekeeping abilities as well. I usually take one day and try to knock everything out. This usually has me extremely exhausted by the end of the day. I may try a daily schedule to see if that works a little better for me. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve tried tons of different strategies, and this type of schedule seems to work best for me, especially once it becomes part of my routine. My favorite part is that if I miss mopping one week, no big deal. I don’t try to squeeze it in on a different day, I just let that week pass and hit it the following week. Then I don’t feel behind. Good luck to you, too – I hope you find a way that works for you.


  3. Always remember–you can catch up on chores, but leave time for “play” with the kids! Lists are great (I make one for each week/each day), but be flexible to retain your sanity!


    1. Thank you for the reminder, Sue – I’ve been known to get carried away 😀 My goal is to get my work done during the day while everyone is out of the house so that we can all hang out together in the evenings and on the weekends. If I’ve given myself too much work to be able to do that, I’ll scale it back.


  4. Wow…I wish our house weren’t so cluttered/ridiculous that I could clean like that even once a year, much less once a week. Something to work towards before the baby gets here and makes it harder, I suppose.


    1. I hear you, Ellen! That was exactly why I started this. I never cleaned like this until we moved out of a place and wanted to make sure we got our deposit back. Every time we cleaned up, I’d think, wow. I just did this massive cleaning, and it looks great, and we don’t even get to enjoy it. Now that I’ve started cleaning more regularly, I’ve realized how much I appreciate a clutter-free slate – it makes everything so much quicker and easier when you want to dust/sweep/vacuum. It didn’t take long for me to start throwing things away or finding homes for them when I kept having to move them every time I wanted to clean.


  5. My head is spinning! You have tasks on your list that I have never even thought of!!! I will not share what those are, you might turn away in disgust! Good luck, and a big well done!


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