Balconies, porches, and patios – a primer on the language of outdoor seating

6 thoughts on “Balconies, porches, and patios – a primer on the language of outdoor seating”

  1. Verandas and lanai are way to grand and exotic to exist in the low country 😉

    Art History lesson for the day: In doing extensive reading about old churches and cathedrals, I have learned that they all have porches (well, mostly all anyway.) The porch was often where poor travelers and pilgrims would lodge. They were highly decorated with sculptures to relate religious stories to the illiterate visitors


  2. Thanks for the lesson! I could never tell the difference, and we have all types of outdoor seating here in the tropical country! I’m going to change a “porch” to a “deck” in one of my blog posts now! 🙂


  3. You know what I like about your writing? You make me homesick for the places you write about, yet I’ve never been to any of them.

    We did have a balcony and two porches on the house I grew up in though.


    1. You have no idea how much your comment means to me. I read fiction for the exact connection to place that you describe. I am thrilled that you experience that nostalgia when you read my writing. Thank you so much for telling me that.


      1. Yay 😉

        Also, I’m going to follow your house-cleaning tip with my older boy, see if it works. He’s good with dusting, but I think we can expand on that a little.


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