
17 thoughts on “Lunacy”

  1. I think I know a little how you feel but honestly I wouldn’t get toooooo distraught your writing is quite wonderful and the trick is just to write and not to think about the mechanics of it.


    1. Thanks Jenni, I go through cycles. I want to get better, which means practice and mechanics, and then I think too much about it and just do free writes. It all helps – but especially your kind words 🙂


  2. the being in your head part? Yeah, it’s a concern for me, too. Trivial things like forgetting to use hair conditioner, or using it twice… but important things like tuning out people when they talk to me. I hate when I’m aware that someone is giving me only a part of their attention. I don’t want to do that to them.

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  3. Lunacy – that’s just the other half of being gifted, I guess. Or to quote Aristoteles: “There was never a genius without a tincture of madness.” You’re a wonderful writer and I don’t think that’s a choice you’ve made. It’s there. So please write on.

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  4. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time… Maybe record your thoughts for a week and take a break. You’re too good to give up on it and too disciplined to obsess about it. Take vacay in Columbia next weekend.


  5. Andrea…now that I’ve composed myself, haha. Seriously, sometimes your words move me to tears.

    I don’t know how you do your actual writing, but I’ve found that writing longhand, w/ a medium or fine point Sharpie, offtimes works for me…slows my thoughts as I concentrate on the letters formation, enjoying the flow of ink from of a well made writing device.


  6. My father used to love to retell a short bit he read in a biography about James Thurber; when he would be out and about with his wife at social events, shopping, etc., and she would catch him being lost in thought, she’d scold, “Stop writing!”


  7. I’m the same way. I often question my sanity when I get too involved with my writing subjects… to the point I find myself exclaiming some random thought aloud while in a public place. But, luckily, I don’t care, or even pretend to care. I’m sure most people can tell I’m quite unusual, & they’ve long accepted this fact. (:

    ❤ Carsla
    Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
    A stylist, foodie, & writer's blog in development.

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