9 Great Openings

6 thoughts on “9 Great Openings”

  1. I love your description of an opening sentence as a back pack. That’s a keeper.
    Interesting bit of irony with your choice of John Irving. He has described his own writing method as far as novel writing is concerned. The first thing he needs to do is write the LAST sentence. And then he’s good to write the rest of the novel. (LOVE Owen Meany, btw – I’ve read it several times.)


    1. Yes, he is a genius. The chapter on openings in The Writer’s Portable Mentor (the book we are using in our craft group) begins with a quote from Irving: “When in doubt, or wherever possible, tell the whole story of the novel in the first sentence.”


  2. Andrea, as always you provide me with great ideas. I’m trying to start a serious writer’s group, and your info on “objects,” a prompt box, and now modeling openings is awesome. Of course, I need to purchase The Writer’s Portable Mentor! Blessings.


  3. A good start is half the race.
    Every single book I spent my hard earned money on was heavily influenced by the opening line. And that’s from a reader’s perspective.
    Of course I took books on loan from friends but when I was left to my own devices I was a fussy reader. I could spot a waste of money on the first page, even though I couldn’t have done much better.
    My all time fav opening line comes from a book called ‘Father Joe’.
    I won’t type it here. Buying the book will be money well spent.
    I think the author’s name was Tony Hendra (I gave the book to a neighbour – a while back)
    Great Post!! Very Important reminder.


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