No shame in pie (R)

12 thoughts on “No shame in pie (R)”

  1. I so enjoyed this post. Right about here–” like nothing strange was going on, nothing greedy or gluttonous or shameful, my husband put one of each kind on his plate. “– I burst out laughing. 🙂
    I’ve never had grape pie. Are they seedless grapes or how does one go about that?
    One of my favorites is chocolate cream and I also like my homemade mincemeat. Pear with an almond filling is good too. 🙂
    And yet if one were to say pie or cake, I would be likely to say cake.

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  2. I’ve never eaten grape pie,===never even heard of it until I started blogging, but my sister turned me on to tomato pie a few years back, and now I make those quite often for a main course. I add different ingredients to spice things up a little. Yum!

    I like the way your carried on so about pie, but in the end, prefer cake. Too funny. 🙂


  3. Now I’m craving cherry pie. This is exactly why I love holidays so much. There’s so much tradition behind all that shameless family feasting. Sadly we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia but more than make up for it at Christmas.

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  4. This is one of my favourite posts, and I enjoyed reading it all over again! Pies always sound delicious to me. I say “sound”, because pies aren’t really big in Malaysia (as in popularity, and not in size). When I lived in France, I managed to try more pies, but unfortunately never got around to learning how to them (I didn’t have an oven at the time)


  5. You got my attention at the word pie! My granny passed the tradition to my mom, my mom to Martha and me. I haven’t seen Martha’s girls bake, but my son’s carry on the tradition. Thanks for a beautiful description of how a family eats home,ade pies. Oh, and congratulations on marrying into the “right” sort of family.😄


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