Running away to the woods

24 thoughts on “Running away to the woods”

  1. How beautiful! You are not alone. We all must get away at times. I live on a farm in the middle of no where with seven people in a multi-generational household. At times, even the cows and coyotes are too much company. Thank you for sharing your magnificent photos and accompanying editorial!

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  2. I really enjoyed this post because for years I used to long for the solitude of long walks, being alone with the beauty around me and I found great solace in them.

    Then my eldest son asked if he could come with me – I couldn’t find a really good reason for not saying yes except I wanted to be alone the very thing he wanted. I could have it but he couldn’t so I said yes.

    Expecting to set ground rules of no talking or complaining when we sit to look at something or take photos. To my surprise I got greater pleasure from sharing, answering his questions and teaching him the little I know.

    It became part of our regular time together, walks, time to talk and the best product was the peace it created in the home.

    Having said that I still enjoy that time, space, peace and opportunity to recharge. Thank you for getting me to think about something that was a real pleasure.

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  3. I think it’s really important to take a moment to look after ourselves, especially when others depend on us. Gee I love this walk, what a treat that you can do this regularly.

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  4. Hi Andrea, Reading you post and seeing your passion for the out doors is truly amazing. I’m really not a reader however, you inspire me to do so. I love the outdoors as well , I have a 4200 gallon pond with gold fish and Japanese koie in it , I love the water fall and to capture the beauty outdoors it gives me a since of relief and allows me to take life to another dimention keep up the great work.


  5. I’m with you, there is nothing like a solitary walk when there is a house full of kids and noise behind you. (And your pictures are beautiful!)


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