Who’s the smartest one of all?

27 thoughts on “Who’s the smartest one of all?”

  1. Well, the kids certainly are smart πŸ™‚
    A delightful insight into family life here, Andrea.
    And it’s an indisputable, natural and universal law – mums are the smartest people of all.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. That’s nice. I like that you like me and I like you too πŸ™‚ Now completely worn out the word ‘like’ πŸ™‚ It’s away for a lie down.


  2. I think everyone is smart in their own way. I do not feel that I am exceptional in an academic way so I wouldn’t say I am ‘conventionally smart’, but I have a natural ability to read other people’s feelings and emotions I understand things that they haven’t physically said because I can read body language and sometimes read between the lines of what they ARE saying to understand what they are NOT saying. I like to call it Empathy-Smart.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Naomi – that’s a great term for it. there’s actually a book and psychology speak for it… It’s “emotionally intelligent.” I had someone tell me that time and loved it. Sounds like you have the gift! πŸ™‚

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Naomi, you have a very special gift..being able to read people. Never discount that. Quite often intellectuals can lack this skill altogether and need to have even basic human emotions spelt out to them. Just look at Sheldon on Big Bang Theory. xx Rowena

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi πŸ™‹ Andrea,
    I read through your blog only today and really love ❀ your writing. Your choice of words and your narration is simply fantastic. I’m your fan now, thank you 😊


  4. Reblogged this on beyondtheflow and commented:
    Hi All,
    People have been arguing about who is the smartest, who is the most important since the dawn of time. This post had a humorous twist to this age old question xx Rowena


  5. Hi Andrea,
    I absolutely loved this post. I had a medically challenging year last year and wasn’t able to get back to work due to lingering effects from chemo brain. As Christmas approached and I was looking at meeting up with family and writing our annual newsletter, I went into a bit of a funk. Nobody was looking down on me. Indeed, many people have been encouraged by my journey but I still felt I hadn’t satisfied my own requirements. Anyway, WordPress has bailed me out of the doldrums. I’ve received 3 blogging awards and when I read my annual review it turns out that my blog had had visitors from 62 countries. A couple of days ago, I finally worked out how to see how many people have viewed my posts since I started and that gave me further encouragement. Prior to blogging, I was only sharing my poetry with my husband and perhaps a couple of friends and now hundreds have at least “viewed” it.
    I am definitely thinking your son is a rare gem. No doubt every blogger who has read your post, has felt validated and reaffirmed by his words. Please pass on my thanks!! I’ll share this post with my kids in the morning. xx Rowena


  6. I loved tin earring into that conversation. We have it around our house often when someone does something not so bright. We understand that there are different kinds of smart. My children have a great deal of intelligence but I scored the common sense. I ‘ll take that any day. I can always look up what I don’t know. πŸ™‚


  7. Such an assault on the English language! The verbification of a noun! Unacceptable. OK, so text me, OK? πŸ™‚ p.s. Both children sound clever (taking the neutral ground)


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