Winter windows

23 thoughts on “Winter windows”

  1. Gorgeous!! Brings back many happy memories of ice storms in North Carolina (at least, when we didn’t have to drive in them or just plain couldn’t, ’cause a pine tree’d snapped and fallen on the dang car!). Your photos and prose are lovely. Jean & Alex 🙂


    1. Ice storms are more magical than I would have imagined. I took these photos in a trashed strip of woods behind our townhouse. The ground was littered with beer bottles and plastic grocery bags, but the ice made it a beautiful scene in spite of the trash.

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  2. The pictures are lovely and the writing is evocative. But, I’m totally hung up on “why is she sleeping with her window open during an ice storm?”


      1. Ah! See I automatically go back to Cherry Ames series I read when I was a young teen. It was an adventure/mystery series written for what might be best described as “young moderns” about nurse Cherry Ames. They were written in the 30s and 40s. In one of the gripping adventures, Cherry and her dashing doctor had to save a family who almost died from carbon monoxide poisoning after they forgot to crack their windows before going to bed. So, of course, when I hear of people cracking their windows in winter, I immediately assume it is due to a lack of faith in carbon monoxide monitors.

        But, you know, “atmosphere” is an equally valid reason. 🙂

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