One year Automattiversary

11 thoughts on “One year Automattiversary”

  1. Add my compliments and thanks, Andrea. WordPress gave me freedom to write anything and to rediscover my voice. Helped enormously with this memoir I’m writing, helped me find colleagues and friends. It’s cool. Thanks for all you are doing.

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  2. Aw Andrea, I love everything about this post, but most of all, I love that I have the pleasure of getting to work with you. You’re so positive, capable, friendly, and just damn good at what you do. Looking forward to seeing you next month!

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  3. YAAAAY HOOOOEY!! 😁 as my daughter would say. Few things in life feel as good as *belonging*. 😊 I am also grateful and amazed at this community on WordPress! And though I already have a day job and multiple extracurricular a, I will tap that ‘join us’ link momentarily…you just never know where it all might lead! Best wishes to you! 😊

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  4. Congrats! And I followed you before Automattic realized how good you are! I remember the day I realized it was unnecessary for someone else to name me as a writer, and that I could do it myself with my blog. What a feeling!

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