Nodding with Strunk and White

12 thoughts on “Nodding with Strunk and White”

  1. Very informative and useful article. Your tips for building up a solid, appealing content to the audience are of much help to us, the writers or participants in debates and content workshops.


  2. What a delightful reminder of the little blue book that has sat next to my desk for 40+ years. I have pulled it out to reread for the sheer pleasure of seeing language when it’s most alive. My copy is a 2nd edition, published in 1972. Cost: $1.25. Thanks, Andrea!


  3. Love the reading suggestion. I really enjoyed your perspective and take a ways from the reading. For a writer like myself who is always questioning his ability this was reassuring. Thank you


  4. I might want to revisit Strunk & White. I read this few years back and it was the only book that made sense when I was studying journalism.


      1. Yes! It has more guts, more conviction… so simple! I learned a lot from this post. Thanks!


  5. I read Bradbury’s Zen in the Art of Writing and loved it.

    But this one is on my to-read list for a while. Time to prioritize. 🙂


  6. Andrea,

    This is a helpful, informative posting.

    A few follow-on thoughts…

    This from the journalist’s world: Don’t bury the lede.

    I’ve found the weakest business communications to be flabby, circuitous and absent of useful information. And, unfortunately, too common. Even at the highest executive levels.

    Whether it’s a letter to a customer or client, or a company-wide memo, or an email to a colleague, get to the point at the top.

    Another way to think about it is an adage from the advertising world: 80% of the work in an ad is in the headline. The rest of it can be cranked out by a junior copywriter.

    A final thought, also from the ad world: Construct your message in terms of benefits to your audience.

    They’re taking time out of their lives to read your lively, witty, correctly punctuated prose. Make it worth their while.


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