Quarantine Parade

13 thoughts on “Quarantine Parade”

  1. Love this. We had a similar occurrence at our neighbor’s. I’m pretty sure these were the teachers of the preschooler coming for a visit – https://d.pr/i/18g33o They turned around and took a selfie with the kids in the background after talking with the children for a bit.

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  2. Firefighters and police officers turned on their sirens; they circled the hospitals. Families that lived beside the hospitals went to the end of their driveway clapping. They were honouring the hard work that all hospital workers have been doing for our city. I did not cry but it did give me goosebumps to see the love and respect shown to our essential workers.

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  3. Police officers and firefighters turned on their Sirens circling the hospital. Those that lived beside the hospital’s family members went to the end of the driveway started to clap. They were honouring the hard work and dedication that all individuals that work in the hospital have been providing the city. It gave me goosebumps at the show and display of love and respect for essential workers.


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