Quarantine fun: hand-written letters

4 thoughts on “Quarantine fun: hand-written letters”

  1. Yes! I’ve been writing letters these past few weeks too. I ought to buy myself some pretty stationary for it like you did. It’s not only an enjoyable activity, and knowing it’ll be a surprise is such a perk as you mentioned, but it helps keep the USPS in business. Which I actually recently wrote a post about. It’s a win-win-win!

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  2. Andrea!! Welcome to my world!! Since Miss Bruce, the student teacher for my second grade class, invited us to write her letters, I have been a dedicated and proliferative letter writer lifelong! I spend LOADS of money every year on all manner of pens and paper!! And, I just came across a new venue to apply this live: http://www.moreloveletters.com! People nominate people in their lives who could use some love by way of snail mail. I wrote to the five people nominated for May. And now I’m signed up to host a letter writing party when we can be together live again. Thank you keeping the art alive! 🙏🏼👍🏼❤️🌟🖖🏼

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