
79 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi! My name is Ruth and I have a blog on WordPress that is not nearly as active as I’d like it to be, but I found Butterfly Mind and really enjoyed it.

    I referenced your blog in a recent post http://attentionanonymous.wordpress.com/2014/11/16/what-speaks-to-me/.

    I am working on a Master’s thesis about literary blogging and would love the opportunity to speak with you about your experience. Let me know if you’re up for that in the next several weeks.


    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Andrea,
    I am loving reading your blog and I can relate to what you say about being authentic and being the best self you can be and teaching your kids to do the same. I have been trying to do the same with our kids for some time and it’s not as easy as I thought. We are all fallible. I have been teaching my kids how to cook and this has been a really productive activity.It’s such a comprehensive learning experience: time management, multi-tasking, following instructions as well as a bonding experience. They are now so much more discerning about what they eat and are budding food critics. xx Rowena

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Fellow Blogger, I was nominated today for a “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award?” I was asked to nominate seven bloggers myself, create a post or page, and include a link back to the blog of the person who nominated me. I have done as requested, and I am now nominating you. If you are inclined to take part you can follow this link to the page I created with my responses and all the information you will need. If you don’t want to take part…no worries. God bless. Kathy


  4. Hi Andrea, I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog award. I learned from a fellow blogger to offer a bouquet of flowers for those who are not accepting awards or are too busy at the moment. Butterflies speak to me too!


  5. Hi Andrea. First and foremost, I am a Hokie! My heart fluttered when I read you live in Blacksburg. I stumbled on your blog post Lunacy via The Daily Post. So cool that you work for WordPress!! Lunacy was a good read. I am currently a stay at home mom with big writing desires alongside motherhood. My tide definitely rushes in regularly!


    1. I can so relate to the bit about running and having all these awesome ideas about what to write and when you get home and fire up wordpress new post. It all disappears and some other lame crap comes out instead.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR BLOGS! you are a fantastic writer!! I have just started out with blogging and I would love to be as great as you at blogging so if you have any tips or if you could let some people know about me I would really appreciate that!! Again that was fantastic writing!!


  7. I love your about page. You write so naturally and it obviously resonates with your readers, I’m a tiny bit envious.
    As a side note, would you mind sharing what theme you are using? I rarely get comments on my blog and wonder if this is because my writing doesn’t resonate with people, or whether I’m using a theme that makes it hard for people to comment. Perhaps a little of both? I’m determined to build my readership this year so any ideas are welcome.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks Andrea! I’ll will definitely have fun this year. I’m planning to do a lot more writing and will enjoy reading your blog.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Andrea. I don’t know how I found you, except to believe that my latest Luna Moth this morning that I am holding in my lap guided me. I have had them hatch and fly to me at night and, yes, even in the day, since 2012. My name is Miz Tessie, or, AuntT, and I live N of Canton MS. (Jackson) email me at CallayMac@icloud.com if you would like to discuss or see more about the magic of God’s art in the Luna. My cell is 601-991-5199. I am 70. I would love to share or give you some of the many wings these spiritual gifts leave me. I enjoyed your writing.
    I also look forward to hearing back from you if possible. I know you are busy with all your family and writings.
    And life in general.
    Tessie Rose Waltman 🌔


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