Giving away furniture

16 thoughts on “Giving away furniture”

  1. I love this, Andrea. After my grandma died, a lot of her furniture came into our house, but never the coffee table with my sister’s teeth marks on them (she was 5, I was 3–I don’t know what exactly happened, but we would always check to see if the teeth marks were still there every time we visited).


  2. A lovely story which brought tears to my eyes as I had a grandmother like yours (minus the gin, she was a teetotaler, b 1875, Jackson County, Alabama). I have a cabinet and a few of her things left. Now I just turned 70 and I am saying to children and grandchildren and friends, “Put your name on it if you want it.” We come full circle in this life.
    Thank you.


  3. I loved this story and I adore your grandmother’s spirit. My mother did the same though she had very little. It was all decided before she left who would get what. So easy that way. The idea a 10 min memoirs is a wonderful way to write about memories.


  4. My mother did the same, just like InSearchofItAll’s mother and your grandmother. Some things were assigned to go to whomever with her before she left, but others she labeled with a little note about its significance for us to find afterward.


  5. I love the small, precise details you share about your Grandma. In a brief piece of writing, you share so much about her.


  6. I loved this piece. It reminds me of a time when I told my mother about a friend whose mother had labeled her household with her children’s names. My mother repeated the story about the names in front of my ten year old niece. For months after that, my mother found objects that my niece had labeled with her own name.


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